toate bucatile astea de lumina ma incomodeaza teribil acum cand imi clocesc gandurile intr-un loc umbrit ferit de tropotul ingrozitor al fluturilor marocani pe sub piele imi aluneca dureros scheletele unor femei prin nari imi sangereaza aerul fraged al anilor mei minusculi mainile imi tremura apucand cu greu obiecte usoare si-am gasit aici bucatica asta de umbra in care pot sa-mi clocesc gandurile fara sa ma mai stie nimeni nici macar gandurile ferit de dintii ucigasi ai blandetii paduri intregi isi scot trunchiurile din pamant si trag cu tunurile lor de lemn toata seva din mine luati luati luati ce dracu’ o sa vina si vremea voastra amenint padurile cu spatele deja fug fug de atat vreme ca nici nu mai stiam cum arata umbra
ce bine ce racoare ce ganduri frumoase se pot naste aici uite-i si pe cei trei magi se aud behaieli vesele bisericii intregi imi vor gandul cel dintai luati luati ce dracu’
o sa vina si vremea voastra
all these pieces of light are terribly hurting me now when I hatch my thoughts in a shady spot away from the awful clatter of Moroccan butterflies women skeletons painfully slipping under my skin the air of tender years makes my nostrils bleed my hands are shaking when trying hard to grab light objects and I found here this bit of shade where I can hatch my thoughts without being known without being known even by my thoughts away from the killing teeth of gentleness sea of forests get their roots out and suck with their wooden gun barrels all my sap take take take it from me what the hell your time will come too I threaten the forest yet I’m already on the run I ran for son as I don’t even know what the shadow looks like
so well so cool what beautiful thoughts can arise here the three wise men are here too cheerful bleatings can be heard entire churches want my first thought take take what the hell
your time will come too